About Write Design Solutions

Designing solutions to meet the needs of educational providers

Write Design Solutions is owned and operated by Aaron Hansen who has over 18 years' experience developing courses and assessments for educational providers. I specialise in analysing an educational provider's training needs and then developing and customising training solutions to meet those needs.

As well as a wealth of experience working with a multitude of education providers, I am also formally qualified in the TAE50122 Diploma of Vocational Education and Training qualification. This qualification allows me to offer providers a range of validation, moderation and assessor services to compliment my development expertise.

Based in Melbourne, I work with educational providers throughout Australia and New Zealand to provide:

  • Course development expertise and guidance
  • Detailed knowledge of ASQA and NZQA compliance
  • Validation and assessment services
  • Industry advisory and validating expertise

My journey

I started my journey as a Course Developer in 2006 working for a Private Training Establishment (PTE) in Christchurch, New Zealand. Prior to becoming a Course Developer, I spent time working as a Commercial Web Developer and as an ICT Trainer and Assessor.

In 2008, I was promoted to lead a small development team while still maintaining a senior development role. This role expanded in scope during 2011 when I moved to Melbourne to help set up qualifications and delivery systems for a Registered Training Organisation (RTO) based in Melbourne.

After managing course developers in Australia and New Zealand and provided writing expertise for a number of years, I left my employment and set up my own business providing educational services to educational providers in early 2015. Since then, I have worked with a large number of educational providers to develop educational solutions to their requirements. This work has included providing expertise on the sequence and selection of units of competency for delivery, developing these units of competency including any necessary compliance requirements and providing expertise on delivery systems.

I have worked with a large number of training packages including the BSB, CHC, ICT, RII, TAE, TLI, UEE and many others. I also provide assessor and validation services for a variety of training packages.

  • Familiarity with many styles of professional writing
  • Researching and writing complex material
  • Excellent knowledge of the writing process
  • Strong knowledge in design and layout concepts
  • Ability to adjust language and tone for the target audience
  • Outstanding knowledge of grammar, spelling and editing conventions
  • Aligning educational objectives with teaching and learning activities and assessment tasks
  • Knowledge of AQF, ACSF, ASQA and NZQA requirements
  • Understanding of pedagogies, including techniques for checking student understanding
  • Stakeholder management skills
  • Project management expertise
  • TAE50216 Diploma of Training Design and Development qualified
  • Knowledge of ASQA and NZQA requirements
  • Undertaking assessment and validation including RPL for a variety of training packages
  • Operating systems including Windows and Linux
  • Programming languages: Java, C#, PHP, JavaScript and others
  • Web technologies: HTML5, CSS, AJAX, REST/SOAP and others
  • Cloud based technologies: Azure and AWS
  • Databases: SQL Server, MySQL and others
  • Content Management Systems: WordPress, Magento and others
  • Mobile systems including Android and Xamarin
  • Learning Management Systems including Moodle
  • Microsoft Office suite including Project and Visio
  • Repository and source control systems
  • Articulate and Adobe suites

Write Design Solutions Services

Developing course materials

Developing customised course materials to meet educational providers’ needs

  • Designed to meet educational providers' requirements
  • Customised for the educational provider
  • Developed to compliancy requirements

Assessor and validation services

Undertaking assessment of learners work in a variety of training packages

  • Assessor services
  • Undertaking assessment of Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
  • Internal/external assessment moderation services

Developing licensed course materials

Developing course materials to meet provider needs which are then provided for use through an annual license fee

  • No expensive upfront development costs
  • No expensive ongoing maintenance costs
  • Updates are regularly performed to keep content relevant
  • Designed for ease of implementation with delivery systems
  • Developed to compliancy requirements

ICT consultancy services

Providing ICT knowledge and expertise

  • Courseware review on relevancy to the ICT industry
  • Determining compliancy gaps
  • Consultancy on course delivery systems and ICT needs
  • Meet your design partner!